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Prenatal Development

Human Development

1each organ takes shape during embroyonic period _____organogenesis
2watertight membrane, protects embryo _____neural tube
3through this tissue (fed by blood vessels from the mother) the embryo receives nutrients _____blastocyst
4a membrane that eventually becomes the placenta _____placenta
5bottom of neural tube eventually becomes this  _____in vitro fertization
6undifferentiated tissue becomes testes depending on this chromosome _____zygote
7lumps appear at the top of this forming the beginning of a primitive brain  _____Y
8not being able to get pregnant after a year _____embryonic period
9reproductive tech: injection of sperm into the womb _____spinal cord
10reproductive tech: several eggs manually combined with sperm in a lab dish _____amnion
11single cell formed at conception _____germinal period
12first two weeks of pregnancy, formation of blastocyst _____chorion
13a ball of about 150 cells which implants in uterus about Day 6 _____infertility
14third to eighth week of pregnancy _____anencephaly
15more common lethal defect when the mother is deficient in folic acid _____artificial insemination

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