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American Stories through Music

Melanie Yalcinkaya

Vocabulary Quiz 1

Gospel A period of time (during the 1930's) when Billie Holiday was very successful
Jazz The Cafe Society _______________ all types of people
Instruments Large farms in the southern US where slaves worked in the past.
Plantation In the 1930's, Billie Holiday had a lot of these.
Cotton This happened to Billie Holiday in 1959.
Africa Where many slaves brought to the US came from.
Dixieland Used to create music.
Slaves Billie Holiday's husband did this to her.
Neglect Billie Holiday's personal life ruined this.
Abuse The Benny Good man Orchestra.
Decade What many plantations used slaves to grow.
Hit Billie Holiday's voice____________ from drugs and alcohol.
Popular This happened to Billie Holiday in 1947.
Attracted "Lover Man", and "God Bless the Child".
Fans Billie Holiday's father did this to her.
Convicted A new name for New Orleans Jazz.
Heroin What Billie Holiday was convicted of having.
Career Music formed from a combination of African and European music.
Suffered People who were not allowed to sing or play drums.
Collapse Music previously known as "Negro Spirituals."

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