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Global Stratification

CasteSystem theory that some countries are crippled by traditional ways
MaxWeber division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative power, property prestige
stratification allows for social mobility
ClassSystem communist/socialist countries
apartheid basis for stratification in every society in the world
gender ability to control others
proletariat assembly for export plants
classconsciousness stratification is based on ascribed status
power earliest industrialized countries control of weaker nations for economic gain
SecondWorld sell their labor
colonialism believed social class is made up of property, power, prestige
maquiladoras separation of races in South Africa
cultureofpoverty companies that operateacross many national boundaries
multinationalcorporations idea that industrialization led to four stratified groups of nations
Worldsystemtheory shared identity based on relationship to the means of production
halloween day when children exploit adults by threatening pranks unless given a bribe

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