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Kailynn's vocab study


1dia _____related to, pertaining to
2Chron _____around
3Derm _____law, order
4Log _____with, together
5Meter/Metr _____mind, spirit
6Therm _____look, view
7-ic _____action, process
8-y _____measure
9ant-/anti- _____heat
10sym _____birth, produce
11bio _____state, quality, act
12nom _____time
13onym _____against, opposite
14path _____throat, airway
15phon _____state, condition, action
16-ion _____name, word
17-sis _____skin
18opto _____write, written
19psycho _____body
20somato _____sound
21-ology _____eye, vision
22bronch/o _____write, written
23gen _____through, across
24gram _____study of, science
25scop _____inflammation
26-itis _____feeling, disease
27peri- _____like, related to
28cardi- _____life
29graph _____heart
30-ac _____like, related to
31-al _____word, reason

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