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Matching 2nd half

Gevorg Muradyan

Match the words to their definitions

context textual elements such as now, then, yesterday, next week which reveal to the listener or reader the temporal perspective of the writer or speaker in the discourse.
ellipsis formation of a new lexical item by the deletion of a suffix from an apparently complex word
intertextuality any piece of language which, in terms of communicative meaning, is complete in itself.
text an echo of, or an allusion to, another text
time deictics a collection, often on a very large scale, of actually occurring textual data, electronically stored and analyzable by computer program.
back formation a figure of speech that consists of combining features of one thing (the ‘vehicle’) with features of another (the ‘tenor’) which it resembles in some respect (the ‘ground’).
chain linguistic context refers to the surrounding features of language inside a text, while non-linguistic context includes any number of text-external features influencing the language and style of a text.
conversion the actual circumstances of time and place in which a use of language is located.
headword a frequently recurring collocation of relatively fixed sequence and form.
metaphor a linear arrangement of words with a fixed sequence and a first and last item
corpus the process by which a lexical item becomes a member of another word-class without the use of a prefix or suffix; also called zero-derivation.
formulaic phrase the omission of one or more words from a text, which the hearer or reader can recover or guess from the context
situation the word, usually in bold print, which stands at the beginning of an entry and is ‘looked up’ by dictionary users.

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