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Reading Vocabulary Quiz 2

Melanie Yalcinkaya

Pessimist Sad, let down
Sensitive A medical problem where you sleep and don't wake up
Dolphin Love, respect
Vivid A fun mammal than swims in the sea
Disappointed Very emotional, easily affected
Shorthand Listen to, follow orders
Symbol Sneakily
Sweating Something that replaces something else (for example, in writing)
Beating A person who is always negative
Replace The movement of your heart
Harbor Very bright, clear
Balance This is opposite the floor
Obey Where the ocean meets the land
Hurricane Exchange, take the place of
Slyly A type of big thunderstorm
Abnormal Ability to stand and move correctly
Coma A quick way to write or type
Ceiling Water coming from your skin from exercise or nervousness
Cherish Unusual, strange

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