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Forensic Science Chaoter 2 Vocal

Christian D.

Forensic Science Chapter 2 Vocal Words

Algor Mortis Encompasses any and all objects that can establish that a crime has or has not been committed or can link a crime and its victim or its perpetrator.
Autopsy Containing an accurate description of the dimensions of a scene and showing the location of all objects having a bearing on the case
Buccal Swab a purplish red discoloration of the skin.
Finished Sketch Uncontaminated surface material close to an area where physical evidence has been deposited. This sample is to be used to ensure that the surface on which a sample has been deposited does not interfere with laboratory tests
Liver Mortis a small portion of a substance that conforms to the specification for that particular material. It is used for evaluating other samples.
Physical Evidence stiffening of the joints and muscles of a body a few hours after death, usually lasting from one to four days.
Rigor Mortis a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease.
Rough Sketch - is a way to collect DNA from the cells on the inside of a person's cheek Chain Of Custody- in legal contexts, refers to the chronological documentation or paper trail showing the seizure, custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence
Standard/Reference Sample is the change in body temperature following death.
Substrate Control A precise rendering of the crime scene, usually drawn to scale.

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