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Respiratory Drugs



Antihistamine action have iodine in them
Traditional Antihistamines Block histamine from reaching receptors
Non-Sedating Antihistamine names Benedryl, Chlortrimeton
Non-sedating Antihistamine side effects numbs stretch receptors / suppresses cough reflex
Antimycobacterial names Treat TB
Antimycobacterials action Fluzone, Flumist, RSV-IGIV
Decongestant action Pentamidine (Nebupent)
Corticosteroid side effects Prevent bronchospasms caused by acetylcholine
Adrenergic Decongestant names Nasalcrom, Intal
Adrenergic Decongestant side effects Isoniiazid, Rifampin
Anticholinergic names Suppress non-productive cough (cough center in brain)
Corticosteroid names Irritates GI tract
Adrenergic Bronchodilator names thins secretions, decreased cough (non-productive cough)
Adrenergic Bronchodilator side effects Throat irritation
Beta 2 Adrenergic names Atrovent
Anticholinergic action tachycardia, palpitations, HTN, seizures, arrythmias
Anticholinergic side effects Albuterol, epinephrine, Terbutaline
Xanthines side effects Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra
Xanthines action Headache, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, fever
Steroid combined with bronchodilator Tamiflu, Ribavirin, Flumadine, Relenza, Symmetrel
Anti-Leukotriene action HTN, restlessness, tachycardia, tremors
Anti-Leukotriene names Relaxes smooth muscle of bronchioles.
Anti-Leukotriene side effects Mucosil, mucomyst, pulmozyme
Mast cell Stabilizer action Advair / Symbicort
Mast cell stabilizer side effects breaks down secretion thickness
Mast cell stabilizer names Nervousness, palpitations, tremors
Anti-Tussive action (opioid) dry mouth, thrush
Anti-Tussive names (opioid) inhibit formation of leukotriene that cause a/w inflammation
Anti-Tussive side effect bronchospasm, nausea, GI irritation
Anti-Tussive action (Non-opioid) Salmeterol, Formoterol
Anti-Tussive names (Non-opioid) Singulair, Zyflo, Zafirlukast, Xolair, Accolate
Anti-Tussive side effects (Non-opioid) Beconase, Vancerase, Flonase, Nalacort
Vaccines Dry mouth, cough, tachycardia, Increased BP
Antiviral agents Tessalon perles
Anti-Infective names May cause dry mouth, decreased urine, constipation
Expectorant action Inhibit release of histamine/decreases a/w inflammation
Expectorant names Sedation, N/V, lightheaded, constipation
Expectorant side effects Robitussin (guaifenesin
Mucolytic action dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, headache
Mucolytic side effects Vicks, Sudafed, Neosynephrine
Mucolytic names codeine
Organidine and SSKI Shrink inflamed tissues/relieve nasal stuffiness

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