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Chapter 7 - Pricing the Risk

Amie Coote

Match the word to the correct definition.

Pure Premium is the price of a unit of insurancefor the policy period
Development Factors is income the insurer earns from investing money that the insurer has received as premium but not yet earned, as well as money it has set aside as a reserve to pay claims
Trend Factors are the costs incurred by the insurer to conclude a contract of insurance with the policy holder. These could include commission, advertising, promotional expensestp name a few
Acquisition Costs is the process by which underwriters apply the rates developed by actuaries to the information that underwriters have gathered to determine premium for individual risks
Administrative Expenses are adjustments applied to all losses to reflect what they would probably cost if they were to occur next year rather then having occured at some time in the past
Profit are the general expenses the insurer incurs to operate its business
Underwriting Profit or Loss is the principle that a given probability becomes more reliable the larger the number or trials or cases in the sample
Investment Income is the total cost of insurance. It is derived by multiplying the rate of insurance by the amount of insurance
Actuary is the amount of money left to the insurer after it has paid all its expenses
Rate arises out of insurance operations. It is the amount by which earned premiums exceed or fall short of the cost incurred claims and expense
Premium is expressed as a specified amount of the exposure base
Exposure Base is the premium required to pay for insured losses - that is, to pay claims
Exposure Unit is a professional skilled in the application of mathematics to financial problems
The Law of Large Numbers are adjustments to current reserves for claims that have yet to be settled to reflect the estimated final cost of those claims
The Theory of Probability is the denomination in which the unit of exposure is expressed
Rating concerns the likelihood of an ocurance, expressed by the ratio of the actual number of occurances to the number of possible occurances

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