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Works with Horses Equestrian
Raises Cows Arborist
Takes care of animals at the Zoo Carpenter
Uses equipment to protect their eyes when they do their job Mathematician
Uses equipment that can cut wood precisely Archaeologist
Uses equipment that can loosen and tighten pipes Skycap
Uses a lot of wire on the job Painter
Uses a hammer and a lot of nails on the job Zookeeper
Uses motar on the job Pilot
Uses a brush and roller on the job Judge
Uses a tool to cut trees Surveyor
Performs computations and applies mehods of numerical analysis to data Electrician
Digs up artifacts from long ago Farmer
Measures points on the earth's surface to plan for roads, maps, and other structures Welder
Works for the court system Machinist
Sets up and services large power driven machines that grind, cut or shape metal Brick-mason
Flies passenger planes Plummer
Transports passenger bags to the check-in counter  Roofer

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