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E Words Matching Puzzle

Lynn Merrell

enterprise to be above all, the best or most outstanding
epicenter a short statement in memory of a dead person
embezzle to get rid of entirely
eccentric the outer layer of skin
epicure to attract by arousing hopes
elongate a person or thing that is typical or representative of something
elude an important, difficult or dangerous plan to be tried
epidemic not usual; odd, or peculiar
eradicate an image or statue made to look like a person
espionage not correct, wrong or mistaken
epidermis to use spies
entice to steal money entrusted to one's care
effigy to involve in a quarrel
epigram a person who enjoys eating and drinking and is picky at choosing
embroil make or become longer
eminent an outbreak and the spread of a disease
epitaph point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake
erroneous a short, pointed or witty saying
encompass all the way around
epitome to avoid or escape by cleverness or quickness

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