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Cognitive Evaluation Theory

K Harrison

CET  cause of behaviour lies inside the person
CET developed by  they need to be about specific levels of performance or behaviour
According to CET theory  reinforces someone's opinion on their competency.
Informational  increases intrinsic motivation
Controlling  Deci, 1975
Information that affects perception of competence & self-determination  intrinsic motivation increases
Competence  affects intrinsic motivation
Self-determination  what causes a person’s behaviour
One aspect of CET is  increases perceived competence
Second aspect of CET  extrinsic rewards are perceived to be either informational or controlling
Locus of causality  decreases perceived competence
If the perceived locus of causality is external  to function effectively or be effective or have a level of skill
If cause of behaviour lies outside the person  controlling aspect of a reward
If the perceived locus of causality is internal  decreases intrinsic motivation
If cause of behaviour lies inside the person  intrinsic motivation increases
If only playing to please the coach  intrinsic motivation decreases
If only playing for the prize money  informational aspect of a reward
If you are playing sport for yourself only  results in higher intrinsic motivation.
If you choose to enter a competition for a challenge  intrinsic motivation decreases
Positive information of competence  Cognitive Evaluation Theory
Increased perceived competence  cause of behaviour lies outside the person
Negative information of competence  something that dictates your behaviour
Decreased perceived competence  being in control - autonomy
If an external reward provides positive feedback on ability  increases intrinsic motivation
Every external reward has two aspects  intrinsic motivation decreases
Receiving most valuable player award  controlling aspect and information aspect
For a reward to be successful  intrinsic motivation increases
Exercise progs that provide individuals choice of activities  gives information on how competent or good/bad you at a task or sport

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