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Part D Prescription Drugs

Charnell Berry

Match the word with the definition

Deductible The prescription drug tier which consists of the lowest cost tier of prescriptions drugs, most are generic
Initial Coverage This is when you pay 45% for Brand and 58% for generic you reached the ?
Catatrophic Begins after you meet your deductible.
Coverage Gap After you have paid $4,850 in out-of-pocket costs you will reach the ?
Tier 1 The prescription drug tier which consists of medium-cost prescription drugs, most are generic, and some brand-name prescription drugs.
Tier 2 The prescription drug tier which consists of the higher-cost prescription drugs, most are brand-name prescription drugs.
Tier 3 It has the highest-cost prescription drugs, most are specialty drugs
Tier 4 The prescription drug tier which consists of high-cost prescription drugs, most are brand-name prescription drugs.
Tier 5 You must pay full cost for your prescriptions before the plan pays.

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