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Class 17 Sentence Building Practice

Mark Deibert

I have to learn more Korean 김치 먹어봤어요?
I don't like waking up early in the morning 어땠어요?
When you ride a motorcycle, what do you have to wear? 나가서 친구 만날거예요
What did you eat for breakfast today? 저녁으로 뭘 먹었어요?
What did you eat for lunch today? 오토바이 탈때 뭘 써야 돼요?
What did you eat for dinner today? 아침으로 뭘 먹었어요?
What are you going to do today? 아침에 빨리 일어나기 싫어요
I'm gonna go to my friend's house and hang out 재미 있었어요
I'm gonna go to Seoul and watch a movie 너무 추워서 나가기(가) 싫어요
I'm gonna go out and meet a friend 부산에 가봤어요?
Have you ever been to Busan? 웨이크보드 타봤어요?
Yes, I have (been to Busan) 좋았어요
Have you every tried kimchi? 네~ 타봤어요
No, I haven't (tried kimchi) 너무 배 불러서 먹기(가) 힘들어요
Have you ever tried wakeboarding? 오늘 뭐 할거예요?
Yes, I have (tried wakeboarding) 친구 집에 가서 놀거예요
How was it? 다 했어요
It was fun 점심으로 뭘 먹었어요?
It was delicious 네~ 가봤어요
It was hard (tiring/ draining) 맛 있었어요
It was good 한국어 더 배워야 돼요
I'm finished (doing something) 아뇨~ 안먹어봤어요
I'm finished (eating) 힘들었어요
I'm too full so it's hard to eat 서울에 가서 영화 볼거예요
It's too cold so I don't like going out 다 먹었어요

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