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Class 18 Vocab #2

Mark Deibert

Same list, different combination.

to play 치다
to drink 총등학교
to draw 
to teach 중하교
to read 기다리다
to wait 고등하교
to want to do 졸리다
to be able to see 하고 싶다
to be able to hear 그리다
to be sleepy 오늘밤
to be cool 그림
to be dirty 읽더
to be not liked 마시다
alcohol 싫다
a picture 배이다
all of a sudden 이렇게
tonight 들리다
to look like this 시원하다
to show like that 쉽다
elementary school 가르치다
middle school 갑자기
high school 그렇게
to be easy 더럽다

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