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Shopping in a Supermarket


basket a place of a supermarket or shop where frozen food are sold
cart a container made of thin pieces of plastic,wire,or wood woven together,used to carry things or put things in
cashier medium sized bags that are often used by grocery shoppers to carry home their purchases
dairy a place of a supermarket or shop where food are sold
deli a shop that sells high quality cheeses,salads,cooked meats etc
drinks area someone who buys goods or services from a shop,company etc
customer a place on a farm where milk is kept and butter and cheese are made
food area a place of a supermarket or shop where fruit are sold
frozen food area someone whose job is to receive or pay out money in a shop,bank,hotel etc
fruit area a shop or a place in a supermarket where drinks are sold
living goods area a large wire basket on wheels you can use in a supermarket
meat and sea food area a place of a supermarket or shop where vegetables are sold
shopping bag a place of a supermarket or shop where you can pay for the bill
the cashier's  a place of a supermarket or shop where meat and sea food are sold
vegetable area a place of a supermarket or shop where living goods are sold

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