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Egyptian Art - gods, goddesses, and glossary

Janet Montgomery

Gods, Goddesses, and Glossary

ba guilty of fratricide
Seth where the ka statue sits and peers out
Min blue-green glaze made with glass and quartz crystals
palette great big ol' gate or monumental entrance
Horus harmony, justice, and the right order of things
shabti type of hall with tall pillars surrounding a temple
cartouche sails across the sky every day; is reborn each night
Isis triangular marshy area where a river spreads out
cartonnage plaster soaked papyrus wrapped around a body
Osiris little figurines to serve you in the afterlife
ankh laminated pith of a water-dwelling plant
papyrus Isis' sister, hangs out with her at your judgment
hypostyle city of the dead
Nile this wise one records your judgment; has quite a beak
pylon pharaoh is the incarnation of this falcon god
mastaba wandered around picking up pieces of her husband
Aten individual personality that flies around
uraeus upper wall window opening to let light into an interior
obelisk the great river that runs through it
Maat god of the sun disk; Akhenaten forced everyone to worship only him
delta his cult kept pens of crocodiles in his honor
Ammut shown arching over the earth and speckled with stars
Nut cobra; symbolizes protection
Ptah Meow! Meow meaow.
Ra used for grinding cosmetics
necropolis a set of rules for creating art
pectoral looped cross symbol for life
Sobek oh my what a projection!! better than Osiris' wooden one!
ka eat you up if you've been bad - YUM
Nephthys he's mean, he's green; presides over the underworld
Thoth creator-god - he looks after craftsmen
Hathor arabic for "bench"
serdab tall pillar with a pyramid top
clerestory jewelry worn over the chest muscles
Bastet one's vital force; needs a "body" to live in after death
faience bovine head; she loves music, beer, and pleasure
canon oval loop of rope around a king's name

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