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EU Capitals

Darragh Noone

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Hungary Athens is the capital of this country
Greece Dublin is it's capital
Romania Paris is the capital of this country
CzechRepublic Bratislava is the capital
Ireland Tallin is the Capital
Estonia Warsaw is the capital
Italy The capital is Bucharest
Slovakia The capital is Valetta
Poland The capital is Rome
UnitedKingdom The capital is Sofia
Belgium Budapest is the capital
France This country has a capital with the same name
Spain The capital is Prague
Slovenia It's capital is Madrid
Luxembourg Riga is the capital
Denmark The capital is Vilnius
Malta The capital is London
Cyprus Stockholm is the capital
Portugal Ljubljana is the capital here
Latvia The capital is Vienna
Bulgaria Nicosia is the capital
Netherlands It's capital is Amsterdam
Austria Copenhagen is the capital
Sweden It's capital is Lisbon
Finland Berlin is the capital here
Lithuania Brussels is the capital
Germany Helsinki is the capital here

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