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Worksheet 5.2 South America

Tonasket Outreach

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French Guiana The world's longest country, North to South
Bolivia This is the smaller, land locked country
Columbia This country sounds like the imaginary line that runs through it
Paraguay River on Northern Bolivia's border
Guyana Was the heart of the Inca empire
Brazil European pirates landed here in 1510
Amazon The Treaty of Rio de Janerio, signed in 1828 ensured this country's independance
Caracas Capital of Venezuela
Georgetown Argentina's capital
Ecuador Nicknamed "rooftop of the world"
Cayenne A spicy sounding capital
Buenos Aires South American Mountain range
Galapagos All of the contigious United States would fit in this country
Suriname A colony of France since 1817
Chile 80% of this country is covered by tropical rain forest
Panama It's Capital is Bogata
Peru The Central American county that borders South America
Pilcomayo A Capital named for an English King
Uruguay River between Paraguay and Argentina
Guapore The islands off the coast of Ecuador
Andes Worlds best known rain forest

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