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intercourse What none of us want to lose. Our husbands say 'amen' to that!
BCP We can 'do it' now and not worry about becoming pregnant.
hotties What we are when we lose our minds.
uterus The feel good hormone
hotflash Monthly or bi_____
tofu Guess this group CAN be trusted after all. We now belong to it. 2 words
period Own personal heat wave.
wrinkles The beverage of choice :)
hotpants Makes us beautiful or makes us mannequins (depends on your point of view).
mentalpause _____ swings. And not the jungle gym kind.
overthirty What we need to use everyday now
estrogen What we don't want on our faces in old age
makeup Egg factories or storehouses
facelift An older woman's version of diaper brain. 2 words
tampons What we are in menopause. What we wanted to be as teenagers.
botox Over the counter mood elevator
ovaries Removing that organ we aren't going to use again.
blackcohosh Why Asian women don't have hot flashes. Or so they say.
libido An androgen that we have but hubby has more of.
hell Body organ we want to keep even if we aren't going to use it again.
senile One kind of pill we don't have to take anymore.
osteoporosis Those little annoying, but useful, plugs.
progesterone More than just a punctuation mark.
HRT _____ pants. We used to wear them when we were teenagers. 2 words
soy Fluid retention
mood Abbr. Better living through pharmacology. Our husbands will thank us if we take this.....no it's not viagra.
pharmacist Where some of us think we went (until HRT that is).
grayhair What we all want, but can't afford. Elizabeth Taylor has had many of these.
eggs Our new best friend (professional). The insurance company may not agree.
swelling We scream when we see the first strand of it on our head. 2 words
OBGYN What we can take to combat the fluid retention.
wine An herbal menopause supplement. 2 words
acne Another word for fluid retention
seniorcitizens A reason to take another shower. 2 words
pads What we used before we used the 'plugs'
testosterone Who me????
bloating Where, oh where, did it go?
chocolate No longer just found in Chinese restaurants.
diuretic Women's doctor
nightsweat What we used to worry about having on our faces.
irritable Why our mothers made us drink our milk - so we wouldn't get it.
hysterectomy They are shriveling up and dying.
cycle AARP is looking for more. 2 words

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