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Mental Health

Ms. D

No description

borderline phsychological identity disorder always associated with childhood trauma
personality no loyalty or concern for others: without moral standards
ocd loss of memory
neurotransmitters third stage of anxiety
antisocial fixed, false belief, nonlogical, cannot be changed
phobia inability to function independently
panic immobility, weakness, fatigue, muscle weakness, confused
apathy uncontrollable urge to repeat or perfrom an act
antisocial restricted range of emotional expression
agoraphobia presistent idea, emotion or urge
dependent disorder characterized by withdrawl from reality into fantasy world
mild syndrome characterized by fast movement of the lips
paranoid chemical substances in the synaptic vesicles
phychosis irrational outbursts and flamboyant behaviour
avoidant unreal sensory perceptions
hallucinations irrational, intense, persistent fear of situations, activities, things or people
grandeur hatred of society
amnesia an absolute preoccupation with cleanliness
bipolar exaggerated feeling of well being
anxiety delusions of...believes that one is being spoken to directly ex..tv
euphoria a reaction to a specific threat, not general
histrionic delusions of...believes that they may be the virgin mary
obsession hypersensitivity to rejection, critism or shame
lonliness grandoise sense of self importance
mania a type of psychiatry dealing with the legal aspects
clozapine voluntarily typical of the schzoid personality disorder
schzoid loss of contact with reality
narcissistic second stage of anxiety
moderate restlessness, agitation, movement and pacing
schizophrenia a disorder which falls into the axis 11 along with mental retardation
pisa antipsychotic medication
bulimia excess of this receptor in schizophrenia
delusion vague, uneasy feeling
reference fear of leaving one's home
akathisia inability to move limbs in a catatonic schizophrenia
dopamine final stage of anxiety
rabbit abnormal fear of public places
fear example of an eating disorder
psychomotor state of excessive excitability
severe a non-reactive state, absence of emotion
agroraphobia prevasive
forensic mask like face, drooling, stooped posture
compulsion syndrome characterized by leaning to one side
parkinsonism first stage of anxiety
dissociative also known as manic depressive
akinesia instability in interpersonal realtions, mood and self image

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