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OB 2

B. Thompson

No description

Obstetrics increased salivation
operculum opening
fetoscope Twins- two sperm-two ovum
Testosterone "Father of Obstetrics"
Pica dark pigmenation on face from pregnancy hormones
Testes fatty pad protecting symphysis pubis
Soranus Association of Womens Health, Obstetrics,Neonatal Nurses
lightening upper part of uterus
Os first pregnancy
Crede male hormone
Chadwicks used silver nitrate in newborns eyes to prevent blindness
Primigravida instrument used to detect fetal heart rate externally
Assessment day that heart begins to beat
Dizygotic (DZ) twins transverse ridges found in vagina
Rugae lower narrow part of uterus
quickening Identical twins
Hyperemesis mucous plug
eighth seminal plasma and sperm
Foramen ovale first step in nursing process
EDD craving for non food substances
Breast first female outward structure developed in puberty
Round Branch of medicine specializing in pregnancy
Amniotic term used to describe excessive vomiting in pregnancy with dehydration
Semen diverts blood from left to right atrium before birth
Cervix foremilk; high in antibodies
Monozygotic (MZ) twins first male outward structure noticed in puberty
Mon Pubis estimated date delivery
AWHONN type of ligament that keeps uterus in place during pregnancy
chloasma descent of fetus into pelvis; allows mother to breathe better
colostrum inital fetal movements felt by mother
Fundus clear fluid that protects and cushions fetus in uterus
Pytalism purplish blue appearance of vagina and cervix

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