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Behavior psychologist who are involved in preparing standardized test
Cognitive activities psychologist who believed that experience is a fluid and continuous "stream of consciousness"
counseling scientific study of behavoir and mental processes
wilhelm wundt perspective that stresses the effects of experience on behavior
behaviorism school of psychology that maintains that organisms behave in certain ways because they are reinforced for doing so
humanistic persective that stresses the influence of unconscious forces on human behavior
environmental introduced the concept of reinforcment
Socioculture any action that can be observed or measured
B.F.Skinner perspective that stresses the improtance of human consciousness, self-awareness, and the capasity to make choices.
Psychology psychologist who focus on helping people with psychilogical disorders like anxiety and depression
educational psychologist who study the psychological effects of the envirenment on peoples behavior
clinical research method used to collect data by asking questions of people in a particular group
socrates perspective that emphasizes the influence of biologyon behavior
functionalism pyschologist who deal with adjustment problems
forensic perspective that examines the effects of ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status oh human behavior
Theory school of psychology that maintains that human behavior is determined by incounscious motives
structualism psychologist who work within the criminal system
experimental psychologist who conduct research into basic processes like the function of the nervous system or sensation and perception
William james individual who established first psychology laboratory in germany
survey private mental processes
learning ancient greek who believed that people could learn much about themselves through introspection
psychoanalytic school of psychology concerned with discovering the basic elements of conscious experience
psychoanalysis statement that attempts to explain why things are the way they are and happen the way they do
biological school of psychology that focuses on how mental processes help organisms adapt to envirenment

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