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Health Vocab

Tre Copeland

Health Vocab

overload the ratio the body fat to lean body tissue,including muscle,bone,water,and connective tissue such as ligaments,cartilage,tendons
anerobic exercise units of heat
isotonic exercise is the process by which your body gets energy from food
flexibilty is an activity that uses mucle tension to improve muscular strength with little or no movement of the body
muscular strength the ability of the heart,lungs,and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen to the bodies tissues during long periods of vigorous activity
body composition the amount of force a muscle can exert
progression the ability to carry out daily task easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands
cool down is an activity that includes resistence through an entire range of motion
aerobic exercise is the number of times your heart beats in one minute when you are not active
specificity particular exercises and activitys improve particular areas of health related fitness
resting heart rate is a vigorous activity in which oxygen is continously taken in for a period of at least twenty minutes
isometric exercise is the minimuim amount of energy required to maintain the life process in a body
basal metabolism involves intense burst of activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen
physical fitness the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion
isokenetic exercise is working the body harder than it normally worked
calories engaging in activity to gradually decrease activity
cross training combining various exercise routine to help work different body systems
sedentary lifestyle is an activity that combines muscle contraction with repeated movement
warm up the ability of the muscle to do difficult physical task over a period of time without causing fatigue
cardiorespitory endurance is a gradual increase in overload neccesary for achieving higher levels of fitness
muscular endurance engaging in activity that prepares the muscles work that is to come
metabolism away of life that requires little movement or exercise

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