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Merry Christmas!!

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presents Also known as "Donder".
Donner If you received every gift in this song, you would have 364 presents!
Rudolph Nicholas of Myra
Frosty Stand under it for kisses
santaclaus "'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a _____.
fivegoldrings The fifth day of Christmas
Stockings Originally made using silver, these days it is plastic.
mouse White, striped and oh so good
poinsettias He wore a magical hat.
Nutcracker Found on a Christmas Tree
hollyberries "A Christmas Carol"
TheTwelveDaysofChristmas Where Santa lives
northpole Being on this list earns you a lump of coal.
Mistletoe You can thank Montgomery Ward for this one.
tinsel Performed for the first time in Russia in 1891.
jinglebells Some say it's poisonous but that's a myth
CharlesDickens These really ARE poisonous.
ornaments Found under the Christmas Tree
candycane This carol was originally written for Thanksgiving
thenaughtylist Don't forget to hang these on the chimney

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