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Property Crossword (Terms and Concepts)

Mary Walsh

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Futureinterest When a trust is created, legal title is __________ from beneficial title.
Reversion A right that is uncertain is _____________.
Waste Patents, computer software, stock, and goodwill.
Severance Decision-making power over property.
Communityproperty A grants B the use of Blackacre for the life of C. C's life is the __________.
JTWROS Property other than real property.
Tangible Property right based on a measure of time that does not create a landlord-tenant relationship.
Legaltitle A bundle of rights.
Rightofsurvivorship The separation between legal and beneficial title is the heart of _______.
Partition A life tenant cannot commit this.
Bifurcated Present in tenancy by the entirety, but not tenancy in common.
Tangiblepersonal Is really lifetime planning.
Intangiblepersonal Creates a landlord-tenant relationship.
Jointtenancy At death, an interest in this passes through trust, will or intestacy.
EstatePlanning A property arrangement that avoids probate.
Separateproperty The holder's right to enjoy the property is delayed.
Personal Is not available in community property states.
Contingent The greatest interest in property available.
Estateforyears One of the four basic property rights.
Remainder A future interest holder's right to enjoy property may be delayed by the__________.
Trusts Future interest held by the initial transferor.
Realproperty Based in the Civil Code.
Beneficialtitle An assured right is __________.
Property Holds a single, unified interest in property concurrently with others.
Lifeestate A form of co-ownership (abbrev.)
Tenancybytheentirety Future interest held by someone other than the initial transferor.
Passageoftime In a community property state, property acquired before the marriage.
Jointtenant One of the duties of a lifetenant.
Intangible Not available in community property states.
Electiveshare Personal property whose utility derives from physical characteristics.
Feesimple The holder has an immediate right to posess or enjoy the property.
Presentinterest E.g,, land, buildings, improvements and fixtures
Tenancyincommon Right to use and benefit from property.
Exclusion Not available to tenants by the entirety while married.
Measuringlife Action available to joint tenants and tenants in common.
Vested Property that cannot be perceived by the senses.
Reasonablerepairs Property that can be perceived by the senses.

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