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Rocketing Into Algebra

Gretter Diaz

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Dashed The number of times the related linear factor is repeated in the factored form of the polynomial
Trinomial a b=b a is an example of ______ property
Columns How many solutions does one have when the determinant=0
Compound A monomial or the sum of monomials
Conjugates y= (2x 3)(x-4) is a ______ function.
One A selection in which order does not matter
Matrix The set of all outputs, or y-coordinateds of the ordered pairs
Permutation When one completes a square, one is finding the last term of a perfect square _______.
Horizontally Out of the following, which is not an answering form: Standard, Point-Slope, Slope-Intercept
Linear An arrangement of items in a particular order.
Degree When You graph the inequality: y<-2x 3 , the line should be______.
PointSlope An axis of _______ divides a parabola into two mirror images.
Imaginary Graph: y=3x 12x 8. What value does the vertex represent?
Combination Determined by the exponent of the variable in a term
Communative When multyplying with nonsquare matrices the number of _______ by the first matrix must equal the number of rows in the second matrix
Multiplicity (a b)(a-b)
Synthetic Solving by_______ is mostly applied when the quantities you add contairn a pair of additive inverses.
Independent y=a(x-h)2 k
Constant This type of progamming is a technique that identifies the minimum or maxium value of some quantity.
Quintic The type of division that omits all variables and exponents.
Elimination On a complex number chart, -4i represents a(an) ________ number.
Minimum _______system has one solution
Vertexform A translation is an operation that shifts a graph ______, vertically, or both.
Polynomial A pair of inequalities joined by and or or
Remainder A rectangular array of numbers written within brackets
quadratic 3x x-10x 6-9x is a _______polynomial
Range ______theorem states: If a polynomial of degree n ≥ 1 is divided by (x-a), where a is constant, then the remainder is P(a)
Symmetry In y=2x 3, 3 is the _______term

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