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Math Maniac


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Percent Two polygons are _______ if their corresponding sides are proportional
Transversal When a pair of opposite congruent angles are formed where two lines intersect they are __________
Congruent A method in finding the product of polynomials is ______
Bisect An angle that has a measure greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees is a ________
Logic An algebraic or numerical sentence that shows that two quantities are equal
Exterior What kind of triangle has two congruent sides?
Point what is a line that intersects two other lines?
Reciprocals What is the order of operations?
Exponent What is the answer in a subtraction problem called?
Ray What kind of property is (15 33) 53=15 (33 53)?
Trapezoid The bottom of a plane figure or three-dimensional figure is called a _______
Variable What are numbers when they're followed by a certain order?
Triangle An integer, a variable, or a product of an interger and variable
Intergers A polygon with three sides is a ________
Polygon An angle that can be added up to a total of 90 degrees
Supplementary An angle outside the triangle, the sum of the two non-adjacent interior angles
Parallel lines What is a closed plane figure formed by three or more line segments called?
Complementry to divide into two equal parts is _____
Adjacent A number that names a part of a whole or a part of a group
Angle What are lines in a plane that never intersect called?
Isosceles Angles or figures that have the same size and shape are _________
Equivalent The number that tells how many times a base is to be used as a factor
Equation A figure formed by two rays that have a common endpoint
Rhombus When a fraction is multiplied by its _______ the result is equal to 1
Acute Angle A mathematical reasoning is called ________
Monomial What kind of numbers are they when they have the same value?
Fraction An exact location in space, usually represented by a dot
FOIL What are angles called when they are side by side and have a common vertex and ray?
Similar A letter or symbol that stands for one or more numbers is called a __________
Consecutive What is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides?
Difference An angle that adds up to 180 degrees
PEMDAS The set of whole numbers and their opposites are called ______
Associative What is one part in a hundred called?
Base A parallelogram with four congruent sides
Vertical A part of a line, with one endpoint, that continues without end in one direction

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