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Pre-Algebra Vocabulary

Keatra Kitching

A fun way to learn your vocabulary.

integers Name of {...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...}
grouping symbols Wisconsin state sales tax
gram number phrase
term Keyword for subtraction
one To change the order of operations
quotient Product of all common prime factors
cubed Ratio whose denominator is 100
coordinate Replacement numbers for the variable
coefficient number or variable being multiplied
GCF to undo fractional coefficient
liter To do all possible operations
like terms sentence with an equal sign
add opposite Keyword for power of three
percent Keyword for division
absolute value Door County sales tax
rational number's Distance from 0
difference A whole number with exactly 2 factors, 1 and itself
average Symbols used to write numbers
constant term Number paired with a point
zero Terms with the same variable and power
expression Term always written last
solve to undo subtraction
opposites Number named by an expression
variable name of {integers,frations,terminating and repeating decimals}
statement sentence that is True or False
domain Positive and Negative
twice Operations that undo each other
ratio to find the number to make the sentence true
add/sub Basic metric unit for mass
scientific notation Operations that need a common denominator
graph part of an expression added or subtracted
.055 small letter representing a number
set Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
multiply by denominator Indicated repeated multiplication
simplify Basic metric unit for volume
meter Key word for comutative properties
powers to undo addition
multiply by reciprocal Key word for associative properties
grouping identity number for multiplication
.05 number in front of a variable
evaluate To find the number named by an expression
change to add Quotient of the sums of numbers and number of terms
digits Term with no variable
dist prop Product of a number and the counting numbers
order to undo division
operations Property used to add like terms
constant term Indicates repeated addition
divide by coefficient To locate a point
multiplication Basic metric unit for length
value group of objects
equation Keyword for "times 2"
prime number Numbers with the same distance but different direction
directions Used to write very large of very small number's
inverse operations Fraction where numerator is greater than the denominator
multiplies to undo multiplication
improper fraction Compares two amounts
factor identity number for addition

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