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math crossword puzzle

arness holsey

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Y-intercept two quantities written in such a way as to indicate that one quantity precedes or is to be considered before the other
X-intercept A value far from most others in a set of data
Absolute value a quantity or function that may assume any given value or set of values
Range the most frequent value assumed by a random variable
Reciprocal a symbol or number placed above and after another symbol or number to denote the power to which the latter is to be raised:
Origin The number by which a given number must be multiplied to get a result of one
Variable the difference between the highest and lowest value
Inequality The set of all values that an independent variable of a function can have
Domain to make less complex or complicated
Integers a point at which a curveor function crosses or intersects the x-axis
Coefficient The plane area bounded by such an arc and two perpendicular radii
Outlier the middle value of a set of numbers or data points
Mode a statement that two quantities are unequal, indicated by the symbol ≠; alternatively, by the symbol <, signifying that the quantity preceding the symbol is less than that following, or by the symbol >, signifying that the quantity preceding the symbol is greater than that following.
Slope the equation of a straight line in the form y = mx b
Mean the point where the coordinate axis of the system intersect
Quadrants the magnitude of a quantity
Exponent is the point where the graph of a function or relation intercepts the y-axis of the coordinate system.
Slope-intercept form A positive or negative whole number or zero
Ordered pair are rules that govern which mathematical operations are done first
Simplify a number or quantity placed (generally) before and multiplying another quantity
Median a plane spanned by the x-axis and y-axis in which the coordinates of a point are its distances from two intersecting perpendicular axes
Ratio The relation between two quantities expressed as the quotient of one divided by the other
Coordinate plane change in the y coordinate divided by the corresponding change in the x coordinate
Order of operations designating two or more planes that do not intersect
Parallel a quantity having a value intermediate between the values of other quantities

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