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Musical Terms

Mr. Walsmith

This puzzle coincides with the terms introduced in chapters 1 - 4 in Bastien Piano For Adults Book 1.

four play in a short or detached manner
fermata fast
two mezzo piano
allegro forte
five play the next key to the left
CMajor notes in a chord played all together
one pointer's number
abcdefg letter names of notes played in C position
tie play the notes one octave higher than written
soft moderately
slur play the nearest note to the right
quarterrest piano
incompletemeasure after repeating the 1st section, skip the measures in the 1st ending and play the 2nd ending instead
cancan notes in an interval played one at a time
andante letters in the musical alphabet
cdefg hold the note for the combined value of both notes
moderato walking tempo
octavesign quarter note
interval rate of speed
two dance from "Orpheus in the Underworld"
fchord whole note
rest curved line that indicates to play smoothly
secondending one steady beat of silence
dominant half note
blockchord two steady beats of silence
flatsign indicates silence
loud dotted half note
sharpsign the tonic chord in C Major
tempo the fifth degree of the scale
CChord the distance between two notes
staccato notes in an interval played together
mediumsoft mezzo forte
harmonic hold the note longer than their original time value
three the first degree of the scale
melodic moderately fast
timesignature a measure at the beginning that doesn't contain the required number of steady beats
halfrest tells what kind of note gets one steady beat
mediumloud pinky's number
tonic the subdominant chord in C Major
allegretto no sharps or flats

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