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Norse Mythology

Trevor Nelson

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grendel sun
sigmund Odin's wolves
raven epic poem dated back to between the 8th and early 11th century
valhalla giant wolf that chases the sun around every day
hel Rainbow Bridge used to reach Asgard
frigg Odin's gift to the human race
forseti Odin's spear
jormungand Doomsday for Gods and men
hammer "Past, Present, and Future"; goddesses of Fate
thor Thor's wife's hair was made of this
sol used to warn the gods of Doomsday
norns Odin's great hall where fallen warriors reside
nine monster that terrorizes the mead hall in the first written Scandinavian epic
balder World Tree
breath homeland of the Giants
skoll Odin learned magic from these stones
freyja messenger of the gods
ymir responsible for Odin's inevitable death
ragnarok Odin's Germanic name
geriandfreki god of wind and sea; exchanged between the two groups of gods during peace treaty
jotunheim largest serpent in the Universe
snorri more peaceful group of gods and goddesses
bifrost Odin's eight-legged steed
mimir number of worlds connected together by World Tree
vanir number of the more prominent gods in Asgard
beowulf goddess of the Earth
bolverk type of bird that delivers Odin news of the world
tyr group of women that brought the bravest warriors to Odin's hall after their death
hermod god of wisdom; guards the Well of Knowledge
sleipnir one-handed god of war
eye Odin's wife
njord Odin gave up this body part to drink from the Well of Knowledge
aesir goddess of love and beauty
twelve the first being
fenrir where the human race lives
valkyries Odin's pseudo-alias used to acquire the Mead of Poetry
jord god of justice
loki Icelandic poet, comparable to Homer but for Norse mythology
apple the trickster god of fire
Yggdrasill main tribe of Norse gods and goddesses; similar to the Olympic gods
gold Thor's weapon of choice
midgard the "dying" god; Odin's son
gungnir the mightiest of the gods
wodan golden fruit that keeps gods young and immortal
Runes similar to the Sword and the Stone, except this Norse hero pulled his magical sword from a great tree
horn the Underworld

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