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Study for Peds Final

HOPE Center: Tami Cisneros

N425-PT Peds Final

Creactiveprotein If blood level of this heavy metal is > 10, reassess or rescreen in one year; if blood level is=/> 70, chelation therapy is given PO.
PTINR Infantile form appears as generalized, especially cheeks, scalp, trunk,
warfarin Degree of neurologic dysfunction is directly r/t the anatomic level of defect
APSGN An aneuploid condition caused by presence of an extra chromosome, which is added to a given chromosome pair and results in a total number of 47 chromosomes per cell. Down syndrome is the most common human autosomal trisomy.
Kawasaki Absence of ganglionic cells results in loss of rectosphincteric reflex
myelomeningocele Normal finding is 1-120 Todd units; > 333 Todd units indicates recent infection in children.
Janewayspots Rash appears 3-4 days after onset of fever
sensorineural The diet for this metabolic disorder is especially difficult during adolescent years, but presents few problems during infancy (high-PRO foods are either eliminated or restricted to small amounts).
strabismus Medication used to reduce afterload; the nurse should carefully monitor BP before
pyloricstenosis Mesna minimizes risk of hemorrhagic cystitis caused by this drug.
GER This type of failure to thrive (FTT) may be due to pyschosocial factors such as inadequate parental knowledge of nutrition.
UTI This medication may be used in addition to low-dose aspirin in the Tx of Kawasaki Disease for those children with giant aneurysms (> 8 mm).
Turner Right to left shunt due to pulmonary vascular pressure; happens with pulmonary HTN.
cleftpalate This "revised" criteria is used for Dx of an initial attack of rheumatic fever.
Rastelli This type of dehydration results from water loss in excess of electrolyte loss; it is the most dangerous
NAPI May present with referred pain around umbilicus, vomiting, diarrhea,
Cytoxan Small frequent feedings of thickened formula
craniostenosis Post op Nsg Interventions include daily wt, providing non-nutritive sucking during NGT feeding,
hypertonic Because visual axes are not parallel, brain receives two images, and amblyopia can result; Tx may involve occlusion therapy or surgery to increase visual stimulation to weaker eye.
Crohn This syndrome is an example of monosomy that is compatiblie with quasinormal life; Tx involves growth hormone and anabolic steriods (Sex Chromosome Aneuploid: 45, XO).
hypercyanotic This procedure is the operative choice in infants with TGA, VSD,
phenylketonuria Most children can eat a regular diet, but with sodium restrictions; Sx include periorbital edema (worse in a.m.), mild-moderate HTN,
ACEinhibitors Sudden, aimless, irregular movements of the extremities with grimacing.
Rubeola This type of defect includes coarctation of the aorta, aortic stenosis, and pulmonic stenosis.
Giardiasis A collection of multiple primary malformations or defects all due to a single underlying cause (ex: Down syndrome and Marfan syndrome).
eczema This medication has a very narrow margin of safety between therapeutic, toxic,
Scarletfever Post op complications for this procedure include small bowel obstruction, failure with continued GER, wrap hernia, retching, gas-bloat syndrome,
DDAVP E. coli is most common cause of this infection.
HUS Tx consists of eliminating all milk- and lactose-containing foods, including breastmilk.
digoxin This classification of mental retardation has Intelligence Quoient of 36-49.
galactosemia Timing of suture release is before six months of age for best cosmetic
MICKEY Sx include circumoral pallor,
chestsyndrome Causes of this condition include volume overload, decreased contractility, high cardiac output demands.
tracheoesophagealfistula Tx directed toward relief of ventricular pressure, Tx of the cause of ventriculomegaly, Tx of associated complications,
SickleCellAnemia This peds pain scale is used to assess pain in infants
Tanner Detects deficiencies of factors V, VII, X, and fibrinogen as well as prothrombin.
lead This developmental stage is where you would find most school-age children according to Erikson.
industry Elevation in level reflects ongoing inflammation.
Obstructive Also referred to as blue spells or tet spells; often seen in infants with tetralogy of Fallot.
MMR Painless hemorrhagic areas on the palms
ESR Skin-level GT device is small, flexible, silicone; easy to care for, and is fully immersible in water.
syndrome Flagyl is drug of choice for Tx; prevention is most important: HANDWASHING.
Jones Post op instructions include avoiding straddle toys, tub baths (until stent removed), sandboxes,
inorganic Lab results show normal PT, but increased PTT.
hypospadias Do not administer this vaccine if pt is allergic to neomycin or gelatin.
trisomy This test evaluates development in children ages 1 mo to 6 years; it evaluates the developmental level of gross
antistreptolysinOtiter Clinical signs of this level of dehydration include pale skin, decreased skin elasticity, BP WNL, decreased urinary output,
Nissenfundoplication Sx include triad of anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure.
chorea Nursing care for this disease includes cardiac assessment, pain control. VS with IVIG Tx, tissue perfusion, fluid status, and emotional support. Delay MMR, Varicella,
Eisenmengercomplex Clinical signs include projectile vomiting
moderate Clinically similar to PNA; repeated episodes of this in pt with SCD may cause restrictive lung disease
protonpumpinhibitor In this type of hearing loss, the defect is not one of sound intensity and hearing aids are of less value.
appendicitis The Sx of this disease may be exacerbated by stress
DTAP Used in mild cases of hemophilia A, not routine, but helps the factor VIII they already have; given before dental or surgical procedures.
mild this immunization is given for the first time at age 2 mo.
Hirschsprung Nursing care includes minimizing tissue deoxygenation, promoting hydration, minmizing crises, and promoting supportive therapies.
DenverII This medication is most effective when given 30 minutes before breakfast so that peak plasma concentrations occur with mealtime; it takes several days of administration before a steady state of acid suppression is achieved.
hydrocephalus Teach parents of this baby to feed in an upright position
Hemophilia Blood test used to detect and/or Dx bacterial infectious disease, post op wound infections,
CHF This staging tool indicates menarche at stage 4.

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