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Sam Helgren

Encompasses terms from 3 different world religions.

Dharma 28. Birthplace of Mohammed
Ramadan 39. Proud independent rebellion against God in active or passive form
Islam 44. Believing in multiple gods
Christians 16. Right A__
aspiration 26. Means “Submission” (To Allah)
General Revelation 11. Suffering is ___
Middleway 10. Spiritual Path of Salvation, one of Buddha’s most important Teachings
Sin 47. The Ten ___ are basic laws that set standards of wrongdoing
Hajj 18. Right B__
Heresy 8. The soul gains merits or demerits according to how one lives his life
behavior The writings Siddhartha first studied
speech 30. Teachings and sayings that Mohammed developed (literally “path”)
Sunnah 29. Sacred scripture of Islam
Koran 46. Writings or teachings that a religion bases their doctrine on
Sangha The order of monks that Buddha founded
Universal Town where Siddhartha Gautama was born
Monotheistic 34. Means that the Christian believer searches seriously and carefully for the meaning of the bible on its own terms
Mohammed 40. Universal moral law
Tantrism 41. Revised or watered down
Occupation 49. The omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient creator of all
Ignorance 21. Right Mi__
Mahayana 4. Highest degree of consciousness, literally “The blowing out”
Nicene 42. Catholic
Shahadah Founder of Buddhism
Demythologized 15. Right V__
Biblical 45. Believing in one god
Religion 33. Pilgrimage to Mecca that must be performed at leas once in a Muslim’s lifetime
Meditation 22. Right Me__
Trinity 43. The Son of God who came down to earth to die for humanity’s sins
Effort 14. Suppress craving by following the Noble ___ path
Viewpoint 17. Right S__
Upanishads 20. Right E__
Brahmin 37. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Mindfulness 9. The duty one has to perform according to his station in life
Commandments 12. The cause of suffering is ___
God 32. Highest of Muslim holy seasons, ninth month of the Islamic lunar year
Nirvana 38. “The ___ is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Jer. 17:9
Universal 50. A noun that defines the essence of ones beliefs and gives a definition of a group to belong to
Jesus 36. An opinion held in opposition to the commonly received doctrine and tending to promote division or dissension
Polytheistic 24. Doctrine of the Greater Way
Cravings 27. Founder of Islam
Karma 35. Believers in Christ, His divinity, life, death and resurrection
Heart 31. Saying, “There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah”
Lumbini The enlightend one
eightfold 23. Doctrine of a Lesser Way
Mecca 13. The cure for suffering is to overcome ___ and eliminate cravings
Scripture 19. Right O__
Siddhartha 48. Common creed accepted by all Biblical Christianity
Buddha Buddha rejected the _____ priesthood
Hinayama 25. A blending of Mahayana Buddhism with the ancient occult practices of Tibet

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