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Chapter 14 Key Terms

Rhonda Hadnot

Chapter 14 Key Terms

2         3      
  4     5            
6                   7    
    11 12                

2.An act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations, or decorum of a public authority, such as a court or legislative body
4.Standards; limitations
6.Not allowable
10.A generic term for any type of legal duty or liability
12.The ability, capability, or fitness to do something; a legal right, power, or competency to perform some act
13.The difficulty or distress resulting to an individual or entity from a court decision, zoning decision, or passage of a law
14.An event, circumstance, influence, or element that plays a part in bringing about a result
1.An act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations, or decorum of a public authority, such as a court or legislative body (3 Words)
3.A change or alteration in existing materials
5.The freedom of choice and of action of a judge, prosecutor, or other public official, within the defined scope of his or her responsibilities
7.A duty placed upon a civil or criminal defendant to prove or disprove a disputed fact
8.The individual who owes another person a certain debt or duty
9.A term used to describe the situation in which a public official or fiduciary who, contrary to the obligation and absolute duty to act for the benefit of the public
10.A generic term for any type of legal duty or liability
11.A sum of money that has not been paid or has only been paid in part at the time it is due

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