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The Romantic Period and 20th Century Art and Music!!!

Mrs. Schatz's 1st Semester General Music Class

Fill in the crossword puzzle with the correct word or words to go with each numbered question. There will be no blank box between the words of answers containing two or more words!!

2 3 4 5       6            
  8     9                          
        10             11 12        
  14                     15                 16
            17     18  
  19                   20                    
23             24                  
        25 26              
      27                 28      
29                         30    
        31                 32
        34     35      

5.In the mid-1950s, _______ took America by storm. (3 Words)
9.Seen as a blurred, vague presentation of a subject.
10.When an artist or musician seeks to represent the unpleasant realities of life, this is known as ______.
12.The "King" of rock and roll
14.One of the main elements of Romanticism was a _____________. (3 Words)
19.Schumann's contribution to the literary world (4 Words)
21.Another word for 12-tone composition
24.______ composed important music in a variety of styles.
26.A piece of music featuring a solo instrument or voice with an orchestra accompaniment.
27.An extra-musical text or story provided as part of an introduction to a musical work is known as what?? (2 Words)
29.When a composer seeks to expose their inner personal feelings through their work
31.During the Romantic period, who were composers trying to please the most??
33.One of the many themes of the Romantic era included fantastical and _______ creatures.
34.A piece of music for solo voice and piano accompaniment (2 Words)
36.Where did Dixieland jazz originate?? (2 Words)
37.The use of geometric shapes in painting
38.Maiden name of Schumann's wife (2 Words)
1.One of the few composers whose composition supported him, so he did not need to play or work for extra money.
2.The Impressionist painters had a great effect on this composer (2 Words)
3.Monet was a leader in the French Impressionist ________. (3 Words)
4.A ballet written by Igor Stravinsky (4 Words)
6.Works by Neoclassic composers that had no association with a story or a poem were termed _______. (2 Words)
7.The title of one of Wagner's epic music dramas is known as the _________. (4 Words)
8.Georges Bizet's opera, ______, is a classic example of Realism in music.
11.When composers seek to reinstate the forms and techniques of the Classical era
13.The attempt to portray aspects of modern mechanized society through images of violently energetic motion
15.A composition style having a non-traditional harmonic structure, combined with sharp intense rhythmic patterns.
16.What group came to America in 1964?? (2 Words)
17.The first composer of Atonality
18.An ideal of Expressionism.
20.One of Wagner's books describing his approach to opera (3 Words)
22.The most important element of jazz
23.Wagner was forced to flee and was exhiled to ______.
25._________ painting attained new importance during the Romantic Period.
28.Who was the leading composer and performer of ragtime?? (2 Words)
30.Richard Wagner was known to be incredibly _______.
32.The title of one of Monet's paintings was Impression: _______.
35.African-American rock music was known as ____ music.

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