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Puzzles that have been listed for the public now have options to "Recommend" and "Unrecommend" them to other users. The puzzle score shows up on the listings of puzzle choices.

The recommendations serve several purposes.

  • Public recognition. This lets the author know that other people think that they did a good job.
  • Candidates for the permanent archive. If I find puzzles I like, I add them to the permanent archive. The problem I have is that there are lots of puzzles listed to the public. Using the recommendations I can find good puzzles in a quicker fashion.
  • Clean up of inappropriate puzzles. Sometimes people list puzzles that are not really "G" rated, are way too simple, or have other obvious defects. Again, with all of the puzzles listed, this is not easy to see. By allowing people to "Unrecommend" puzzles, I will be able to see these puzzles in a more timely fashion.

There are a few other notes about how this process works:

  • The recommendation scheme is quite simple. Because there is no sign-in process, the scheme can be subverted in a number of ways. Because of this, nothing really gets done automatically based upon the recommendations a puzzle gets.
  • The votes are tallied periodically, and the indexes rebuilt at that time. This means that although you make a recommendation, it may not show up in the index for a little while.
  • You can only vote on a given puzzle once.
  • Because there is no sign in process and no "User Profile", there is no way to assign author names to particular puzzles, and thus no way to build an online reputation using this scheme. This may change at some point, but right now seems reasonable to me.


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