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Chapter 12 Personality

Personality Evaluations of the unconscious that involve interpreting an ambiguous image (Rorschach inkblot tests)
Temperament  Emotional affect in the moment
Mood   Self-control to inhibit the id
Psychodynamic Theory Each factor can be expressed anywhere on a continuous scale from being expressed only a small amount to a large amount In the most extreme circumstances, someone who possesses ALL of the qualities of a factor would be at one end of that dimensional scale You’re never completely (for example) an Extrovert categorically, you just possess more extraverted characteristics than introverted (which would be the opposite end of that scale)
Unconscious  Method of interpretation of the unconscious
Psychoanalysis  Predisposed, semi-permanent level of reactivity (excitability) Similar to one factor of personality
Free Association   Evaluations of the unconscious that involve interpretation of ambiguous story lines
Id   Protective methods of reducing stress
Ego  Method by which a patient says whatever comes to mind first when given a target word or thought
Superego  Defense mechanism that puts unwanted thoughts or memories into the unconscious
Defense Mechanisms  Mediates between the id and superego Act of problem-solving and decision-making that ultimately results in the behavior observed
Repression  Thoughts feelings and “wishes” (Freudian) that we are unaware of that create our thoughts and behaviors in the immediate present
Projective Tests  Independent characteristics for different facets of personality that each possess their own scale representing the amount of the associated trait
Thematic Apperception Tests (TAT)  Unconscious, biological drive (pleasure principle)
Trait   Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism [OCEAN]
Biology of Introversion/Extraversion  Modern interpretation: things that we are unaware of might INFLUENCE our behavior
Reactivity of the Autonomic Nervous System   Genes code for sensation-seeking and inhibition of the nervous system
Factor   Long-lasting characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving
Dimensional, NOT Categorical Scales of Factors  Neurons (especially in the CNS) fire at different base-rate homeostatic levels for different individuals If neurons are firing at a faster rate naturally, those individuals do not need a lot of extra stimulation – they are over-excited and tend to show more introverted characteristics. If neurons are firing at a slower rate naturally, those individuals do need a lot of extra stimulation – they are under-excited and tend to show more extraverted characteristics.
The ‘Big 5’ Factors  Is our personality stable across many contexts and situations, or is it flexible and even different in different situations? Resolution: because factors are dimensional, there is natural flexibility in some behavioral characteristics of personality. While there is flexibility, we don’t completely change our personality to fit situations.
Person-Situation Controversy   Gene complex that codes for a characteristic pattern of behavior or a tendency to act/feel a certain way
Reciprocal Determinism  Personality and situations influence each other (just like every other gene-environment interaction)

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