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Chapter 14 Treatments- Biological & Clinical Therapy

Psychoactive Drugs [Common Mechanisms of Action]  Pairing a painful stimulus or punishment with a CS that is desired NOT to have a positive CR
Reuptake Inhibition  Distorted thoughts that can negatively affect emotion and behavior
Post-Synaptic Receptor Blocking  Resilience is the ability to successfully adapt to life tasks in the face of adverse conditions
Agonists  Changing undesired behaviors through use of classical and operant mechanisms
Deep Brain Stimulation  Electrical stimulation that increases firing or disrupts signaling to “reboot” pathways
Psychoanalysis   Method of interpretation of the unconscious Bringing thoughts or connections that one might be unaware of into the patient’s attention
Free-Association   Developing a system of reward and/or punishment in order to change undesired behaviors
Interpretation of Unconscious   Instituting specific operant contingencies of reinforcement and tracking behavioral change
Resistance   Process by which the therapist reflects the words of the client back to them by paraphrasing, followed often by “how does this make you feel?”
Humanistic Therapy   Talk therapy focused on encouraging healthier thinking patterns and gaining more objective perspectives
Person-Centered Therapy   Blocking the recycling (reuptake) of NTs allows more of the NT to remain in the synapse, increasing the likelihood (or speed) that the next neuron in the pathway will fire
Active Listening  Method by which a patient says whatever comes to mind first when given a target word or thought
Behavior Therapy  Any therapy including more than one patient for the benefit of social support and group dynamic learning
Counter-Conditioning  Analysis to bring to light real problems or difficulties that patients might not be aware are causing their distress
Exposure  Any chemicals that mimics the function of a NT
Systematic Desensitization   A focus on self-growth and change rather than problems
Aversive Conditioning  Treating a family as a “system” rather than individual patients with unique issues to resolve
Applied Behavior Analysis (Operant Conditioning)  Blocks the reception of NTs and effectively slows down the rate of firing along that pathway
Contingency Management Presentation of a CS (sometimes a fearful stimulus) paired with relaxation techniques (a more positive UR)
Token Economy  A system of reward and/or punishment using only secondary reinforcers
Cognitive Therapy Training with an “opposite” UR to allow for learning of a new/better/more healthy CR
Maladaptive Thoughts   Mental blocks or defense mechanisms that might prevent a patient from perceiving a struggle or the cause of an issue
Reveal-Test-Change Beliefs   Any chemical that affects neurotransmitter function
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)   Any combination of talk and operant techniques Healthier thoughts put into action
Group Therapy  Methods of engaging a patient in questioning a current interpretation (reveal); examining the consequences of faulty and more logical interpretations (test); and developing healthier perspectives and ways of thinking (change)
Family Therapy  Exposure, but to increasing levels of CS severity rather than the “real” CS right away which is then paired with an opposite UR induction
Building Resilience  Gaining self-awareness and objectivity in perspective

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