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L. 8-10 Vocabulary Terms

Mrs. Taylor

Attempt to find the definition of each word WITHOUT YOUR ANSWERS.

1beget _____moral deterioration
2educe _____to pretend
3glean _____a feeling of uneasiness
4chafe _____to mix up or distort
5effrontery _____the choice members of a group
6imbibe _____conceited; having excessive self-love or admiration
7feign _____to steal
8desist _____to concoct; to make up a story in order to deceive
9allude _____to send out; to give forth, as in sound or light
10elite _____horrible; frightful
11bilk _____death; a ceasing to exist
12homily _____shameless boldness
13demise _____to collect bit by bit; to gather with patient labor
14emit _____an associate; a partner
15decadence _____lonely; forlorn; uninhabited; barren
16aghast _____to wear or irritate, often through rubbing or friction
17granary _____to hinder; to obstruct
18choleric _____to wipe out; to destroy
19impede _____the cause of ruin, harm, distress, or death
20qualm _____to act slavishly submissive
21lampoon _____to lie
22narcissistic _____to hint at; to refer to indirectly
23eradicate _____easily angered
24fabricate _____to drink (especially alcohol)
25ghastly _____a storehouse for grain
26fallible _____a sermon
27blatant _____to cheat or swindle; to thwart
28dawdle _____feeling great dismay or horror
29affiliate _____a false and malicious accusation
30fawn _____capable of error
31calumny _____to scold or rebuke severely and at length
32berate _____to produce; to make happen
33minion _____to stop; to discontinue
34desolate _____a fawning, servile follower
35bane _____obvious; too conspicuous
36pacify _____to waste time
37garble _____a written satire used to ridicule or attack
38prevaricate _____to calm down
39filch _____to draw or bring out
40neophyte _____a beginner

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