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People 2020 (5 of 6)

Karen Burton

People Module - SHRM 2020 Learning System

1Pestle Analysis _____Assessment tools that present prospective leaders with sample situations and problems they might encounter in a work environment.
2Pilot Programs _____HR function that acts on the organizational human capital needs identified through workforce planning and attempts to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals to complete the body of work necessary for the organization’s financial success.
3Point-Factor System _____Ability of an organization to keep its employees.
4Premiums _____Interviews designed to probe areas of interest to the interviewer in order to determine how well a job candidate meets the needs of the organization.
5Productivity-Based Pay _____Pay based on the quantity of work and outputs that can be accurately measured.
6Realistic Job Preview (RJP) _____Tool used in the staffing/selection process to provide an applicant with honest, complete information about the job and work environment.
7Recruitment _____Payments in return for the achievement of specific, time-limited, targeted objectives.
8Red-Circle Rates _____Job evaluation method that looks at compensable factors (such as skills and working conditions) that reflect how much a job adds value to the organization; points are assigned to each factor and then added to come up with an overall point value for the job.
9Remuneration Surveys _____Instruments that collect information on prevailing market compensation and benefits practices (including starting wage rates, base pay, pay ranges, statutory and market cash payments, variable compensation, and paid time off).
10Retention _____Learning/development programs offered initially in a controlled environment with a segment of the target audience.
11Selection _____Analyzing candidates’ application forms, curriculum vitae, and résumés to locate the most-qualified candidates for an open job.
12Selection Interviews _____Provides each incumbent of a job with the same rate of pay, regardless of performance or seniority; also known as flat-rate pay.
13Selection Screening _____Process of evaluating the most suitable candidates for a position.
14Single-Rate Pay _____State in which an organization’s strategy is consistent with its external opportunities and circumstances and its internal structure, resources, and capabilities.
15Situation Judgment Tests (SJTS) _____System of actions that leaders take to drive an organization toward its goals and objectives.
16Sourcing _____Structured conversations with employees for the purpose of determining which aspects of a job encourage employee retention, or may be improved to do so.
17Staffing _____Process by which an organization generates a pool of qualified job applicants.
18Stay Interviews _____Situations in which employees’ pay is above the range maximum.
19Strategic Fit _____Scanning process that searches for environmental forces in political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental categories.
20Strategic Management _____Process by which an organization seeks out candidates and encourages them to apply for job openings.

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