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tibialis posterior O: Posterior sacrum and ilium I: Posterior femur distal to greater trochanter & iliotibial band N: Inferior gluteal nerve L5, S1, S2
gastrocnemius O:Ischium & Pubis I: Entire linea aspera & adductor tubercle N: Obturator & sciatic nerve L2. L3. L4
vastus lateralis O: Lateral tibia & interosseous membrane I: First cuneiform & first metatarsal N: Deep fibular nerve L4, L5, S1
popliteus O: Pubis I: Anteromedial surface of proximal end of tibia N: Obturator nerve L2, L3
soleus O: Posterior tibia & fibula I: Posterior calcaneus N:Tibial nerve S1, S2
gluteus maximus O: Linea aspera I: Tibial tuberosity via patella tendon N: Femoral nerve L2, L3, L4
iliopsoas O: Linea aspera I: Tibial tuberosity via patella tendon N: Femoral nerve L2, L3, L4
semimembranosus O: Posterior lateral condyle of femur I: Posterior calcaneus N: Tibial nerve L4, L5, S1
vastus medialus O: Lateral condyle of femur I: Posterior medial condyle of tibia N: Tibial nerve L4, L5, S1
plantaris O: Medial & lateral condyles of femur I: Posterior calcaneus N: Tibial nerve S1, S2
tibialis anterior O: Iliac fossa, anterior & lateral surfaces of T12-L5 I: Iliac fossa, anterior & lateral surfaces of T12-L5 N: femoral nerve L2, L3
fibularis longus O: Interosseous membrane, adjacent tibia & fibula I: Navicular & most tarsals & metatarsals N: Tibial nerve L5, S1
gracilis O: Plantar surface of first cuneiform and metatarsal I: Plantar surface of first cuneiform and metatarsal N: Superficial fibular nerve L4, L5, S1
adductor magnus O: Superior ramus of pubis I: Pectineal line of femur (posterior) N: Femoral nerve L2, L3
pectineus O: Ischial tuberosity I: Posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia N: Sciatic nerve- tibial division L5, S1, S2

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