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Drive Education Vocabulary

Micah Oliver

Suspended Special permit that allow a person use kind of vehicle.
License Four or more wheeled vehicle that have engine.
Curb License gone permanently.
Revoked Walk across road.
Cancelled Authority takes your license.
Tag Rider.
Intersection Limits of drivings to person have permit, committed crimes, disability.
Traffic Prove that you live US.
Misdemeanor Paused License.
Felony Department of Motor Vehicles.
Operator  Lot of car struck on road.
Restrictions Minor crime.
Passager A “card” that prove you can drive.
Pedestrian A person moved from country to US.
Motorcycle License plate on back of car, middle of the bumper.
Motor-vehicle Serious crime.
Endorsement The rim edge of road.
Immigrant A license have no point, “innocent.”
Passport 21 years old or greater have license.
DATE class Transporting two wheeled vehicle that have saddle on it.
DMV Drug Alcohol Tobacco Education.
Valid and Active Four roads that cross.

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