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Male Reproductive System

Mrs. Rosenberg

Match the word with its definition

Sperm Located just below the prostate; when aroused, this gland produces pre-ejaculate fluid (“pre-cum”).
Semen  Male reproductive fluid contains sperm and other compounds such as fructose.
Penis Organs the size of large olives that hang down from the body in a sack. This is where sperm and other “sex” hormones are produced.
Testes Tube that carries the sperm up from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.
Epididymis A gland in males at the neck of the urethra that secretes fluid that is part of semen.
Vas Deferens Pair of glands that open into the vas deferens and secrete many of the components of semen.
Seminal Vesicle During sex when the male ejaculates semen it is released from the penis into the vagina. The sperm in the semen then swim up the vagina through the cervix up the uterus and into fallopian tubes where it is then able to fertilize the egg.
Cowpers Glands Male external sex organ secretes semen. As a pleasure organ, the penis becomes excited, swollen and erect during sexual arousal.
Prostate Gland Male gametes will contribute ½ the number of chromosomes and fuse with egg during fertilization.
Ejaculation Sperm storage.

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