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Wilderness Road Missing phrase2 - 7
Republic Missing phrase2 - 11
Articles of Confederation The document adopted by Congress in 1777 that outlined the type of government of the United States.
Land Ordinance of 1785 Missing phrase2 - 9
Northwest Territory Missing phrase2 - 8
Northwest Ordinance Missing phrase2 - 14
Constitutional Convention Missing phrase2 - 17
James Madison Missing phrase2 - 10
Virginia Plan Missing phrase2 - 6
New Jersey Plan The type of government in which the people choose representatives to govern them.
Great Compromise Missing phrase2 - 12
Three-Fifths Compromise Missing phrase2 - 13
Federalism Missing phrase2 - 15
Federalist Called for surveyors to stake out six-mile-square plots, called townships, in the Western lands.
Antifederalists Plots of land staked out by surveyors, known as townships, later became known as this.
The Federalist papers The trail into Kentucky that Daniel Boone helped build.
George Mason Missing phrase2 - 5
Bill of Rights Missing phrase2 - 16

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