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The bathroom

Match the English word to the Spanish word

1Shaving Cream  _____Cepillo de dientes
2Lotion  _____jabón
3Shower Curtain  _____cepillo
4Shampoo  _____papel higienico
5Comb _____cortina de la ducha
6Hairbrush  _____toalla
7Trash can _____bote de basura
8The toilet  _____loción
9The bathroom  _____lavamanos
10Mirror  _____rasuradora
11Sink _____crema de afeitar
12Bathtub  _____espejo
13Soap  _____el retrete
14Towel  _____champú
15Q-Tip _____la tina de baño/bañera
16Toothpaste  _____cotonete
17Toothbrush  _____Peine
18Razor  _____pasta dental
19Toilet paper  _____El baño

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