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Greece 500 to 440 BC

Gavin Roberts

Match the terms on the left to their correct description.

1Satrapy system _____troops stationed in a fortress or town
2Spartiate _____a liquid offering such as wine, oil or water that is poured onto a religious object
3Thalassocracy _____a sovereign state, consisting of a single city and its dependent territories
4Thucydides _____the system used by the Persian kings to govern the empire, based on regions run by provincial governors
5Tyrant _____a two-handled pottery storage jar with an oval body tapering to a point at the base
6Trireme _____a ship with three rows of oars on each side
7Oligarchy _____a battle formation in which soldiers lined up in ranks with their shields locked together
8Ostracism _____relating to the study of inscriptions on stone or metal
9Ostraca _____an Athenian dramatic festival; it was held to honour the god Dionysus
10Oracle _____the government of a nation having control over large expanses of the seas; a maritime empire
11Peloponnese _____the spoils of war, including goods and people captured from the defeated enemy
12Perioikoi _____male citizen of Sparta
13Polytheistic _____a period of 5 weeks for which each of the 10 divisions of the Athenian Council of 500 presided in turn
14Prytany _____the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
15Regent _____banishment of a citizen for 10 years by popular vote
16Rhetoric _____a government in which all power is vested in a few persons or a dominant class
17Ephor _____an absolute ruler
18Epigraphic _____metal cast into a convenient shape for storage or transportation
19Garrison _____a fortified hilltop or high city
20Greave _____a peninsula in southern Greece, separated from the mainland by an isthmus
21Hellenic _____relating to Greece
22Helots _____a rectangular, tapered stone base supporting a carved head or bust
23Hoplite _____the priestess of Apollo, in his sanctuary at Delphi; she uttered prophecies on behalf of Apollo, the god of prophecy
24Herm _____relating to a religion in which many gods are worshipped
25Phalanx _____an ancient Greek historian wrote 'History of the Peloponnesian War'
26Inhumation _____one of the five annually elected magistrstes in the Spartan government
27Ingot _____aristocratic comprising ex-Archons
28Libation _____a public open space used for assemblies and markets
29Acropolis _____citizen solider- heavy infantry
30Agora _____the act of burial
31Areopagus _____a communication from a god indicating divine will; prophecy
32Amphora _____free but non-citizen residents of Sparta
33Booty _____the enslaved population of Sparta
34City-state _____a person who rules in place of a monarch who is a minor or who is incapable of ruling
35Dionysia _____government in which the supreme power is vested in the people
36Democracy _____broken pieces of pottery with drawings or writing on them
37Delphic Oracle _____armour worn to protect the lower leg

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