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Match the descriptor with the correct Regulation

s165   Notification to parents of incident, injury, trauma and illness
s167   Weekly menu service providing food or beverages under r79)
s170  Offence relating to unauthorised persons on education and care service premises
r77  Food and beverages
r78  Telephone or other communication equipment
r79  Sleep and rest
r80  Protection of children from harm and any hazard
r81  Incident, injury, trauma and illness policies and procedures
r82  Awareness of child protection law
r83  Service providing food and beverages
r84  Exception to authorisation requirement – anaphylaxis or asthma emergency
r85  Infectious diseases
r86  Tobacco, drug and alcohol-free environment
r87  Incident, injury, trauma and illness record
r88  Procedure for administration of medication
r90  Inadequate supervision of children
r91  Administration of medication
r92  Medical conditions policy
r93  Health, hygiene and safe food practices
r94  Risk assessment must be conducted before excursion
r95  Emergency and evacuation procedures
r96  Medical conditions policy to be provided to parents
r97  Medication record
r98  Authorisation for excursions
r100  Conduct risk assessment for excursion
r101  Staff members not to be affected by alcohol or drugs
r102  Self-administration of medication over preschool age)

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