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Modeling the Earth

1map _____North-South lines running between the poles
2cartographer _____Sheet of paper laid on one of the poles; distorts landmasses away from center point
3projection _____comparison of map measurement to actual Earth surface measurement
4hemisphere _____A representation of the spherical Earth on a flat plane
5equator _____Cone of paper wrapped around earth.; useful lfor mapping middle latitudes
6prime meridian _____Flat, 2-dimensional representation of Earth's Surface
7latitude _____uses contour lines and symbols to show surface features such as mountains, water, bridges, etc.
8longitude _____The steepness of a landscape (change in elevation)
9map scale _____a person who makes maps
10Mercator Projection _____An equal division of Earth's surface into 2 parts. North and South. East and West.
11Gnomonic Projection (Planar) _____Imaginary line dividing Earth into East West; establishes 0° longitude at Greenwich, England and starting point for standard time zones
12Polyconic Projection _____Large cylinder of paper wrapped around planet; distorts areas near poles
13radar _____All natural and human-made surface features of a particular area
14false-color image _____sends out radio signals (electromagnetic waves) which bounce off any object and reflects back to device
15Global Positioning System (GPS) _____East-West lines parallel to the equator
16topographic map _____Imaginary line dividing Earth into North South; establishes 0° latitude
17topography _____Uses computers and satellites to determine position, speed and time anywhere in the world at any time or weather
18contour lines _____Angle by which the compass needle varies from true north
19slope _____lines on a topographic map showing elevation
20magnetic declination _____Assigns distinctive colors to different wavelengths so that scientists can pinpoint areas of things like low vegetation

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