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Disney Moms!

Help the Disney babies find their Moms!

Any name with a Star is an extra point!

1101 Dalmations _____Kanga
2Simba _____Duchess
3Tarzan _____Bambi
4Merida _____Kala
5Violet, Dash, JakJak _____Sarabi
6Tiana _____Julieta
7Roo _____Lucille Krunklehorn
8Dumbo _____Helen Parr
9Wendy, John and Michael _____Queen Arianna
10Doe _____Queen Athena
11Mulan _____Mrs. Jumbo
12Marie, Toulouse and Berlioz _____Lady Elinor
13Ariel _____Mary Darling
14Melody _____Pedita
15Rapunzel _____Fa Li
16Anna and Elsa _____Nani
17Aurora _____Mrs. Potts
18Chip _____Sina
19Moana _____Eudora
20Mirabel, Isabela and Luisa _____Queen Leah
21Lewis Robinson _____Queen Iduna
22Lilo _____Ariel

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